• Non-UK
  • Anis Hosni

  • Other
  • Liber is a specific tissue in plants and trees. It is responsible for dissiminating nutrients to different parts of the plant or a tree. The same tissue has the shape of an open book; and for that it was given the name Liber (libro, livre, book)
    The most of library items are paper based and the rough material of paper books is trees. For this very long relation between the book and the tree, I wish that every National Library in each country conduct a patrimonial project with other stakeholders to preserve any kind of natural life or reserve and participate to the global effort on climate change and sustainability.
    The name Liber for similar preservation project idea will invite sincere efforts and financing from Gouvernemental and non gouvernemental bodies with National libraries.

  • Select a natural ecosystem facing progressive deterioration (forest, mangrove, natural reserve...). Search and select partners for planifiés and knowledge based intervention to stop deterioration and manage to restore the site to its better safe state.
    Technical resources and financial resources are needed. Vouluntarism from scientifics, NGO'sand librarians is a must for this project.

  • Promote the project among libraries and professionals.
    Edit and dessiminate appropriate studies and advertisement in UK for local projects, and also at global level within partners and CILIP accredited institutions