Eco-Human Library event

  • England
  • Anna McMahon

  • Public Library
  • Work with local eco groups to produce a Human Library event where all the human "books" have knowledge to share on aspects of sustainable living - eg calculating personal carbon footprint; retrofitting a house; reducing food waste; organising a Repair Cafe etc.

  • Set up a booking system. Members of the public can book a 10-minute 1:1 session with any of your experts to seek advice. Make sure there are refreshments available! It should be a vibrant community event with an eco-purpose. In Cambridgeshire we've worked closely with an umbrella group for local eco-organisations. They did the majority of planning and organising, and found the library a very suitable venue. The event is also an opportunity to boost circulation of green-themed items in your catalogue.

  • Promote the concept.